Page 3 - Reviews - Amazing Nutrition, Taurine, 1,000 mg, 100 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jan 25, 2023
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Auto-translated from Ukrainian

Taurine is an extremely useful and complex amino acid. It is responsible for the normalization of the human body, organ system and mental state. It has a good effect on metabolism, actively participates in the regeneration and formation of new cells. In addition, without it, nerve impulses do not reach the organs in full. Also researcher N.B. Ayushin indicated that taurine affects growth. This was proven experimentally: baby monkeys that did not receive food with this acid stopped growing. Taurine has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. It not only restores its cells, it also helps in the transport of impulses to the receptors. Thus, the amino acid systematizes the work of all systems and improves the condition of each organ. The brain will provide the body with commands precisely and in a timely manner. People suffering from low vision It is impossible not to agree with the fact that the eyes feel a huge load. Today, it is rare for anyone to boast of sharp eyesight, as people spend a lot of time at work or studying. Vision gradually declines, and its recovery is greatly doubted when no drug or vitamin complex helps. Everything is much simpler, because it is worth providing the body with taurine. It is only necessary to saturate the body with a daily dose. If the eyes fully receive the element, they will be able to resist dust, ultraviolet light and even age-related changes. It regenerates and restores damaged cells, is responsible for strengthening membranes. It does an excellent job of treating neuroses and mental disorders. Also, the amino acid is often used for epilepsy, sleep disorders, mood swings, state (from excitement to apathy). In addition, taurine significantly improves mood. A person who constantly takes the substance in the prescribed dosage does not experience outbursts of anger or irritation. Taurine is indicated for young children. With it, they become more attentive and focused, which is very good for learning and learning. Taurine is found in almost all vital organs and tissues from conception to old age: Children's brains contain four times more taurine than adults. Taurine is the main amino acid contained in the retina of the eyes (40-50%). Heart muscle also contains more than 50% taurine. After 40 years, the synthesis of taurine in the human body decreases. The concentration of taurine in blood cells and plasma in elderly people drops by almost 2 times. If there is not enough taurine in the body, then the processes for which it is responsible will either proceed weakly or not at all. First, the body's reserves will be used up, then mild, barely noticeable disturbances will begin at the cellular level, then at the organ level. If my review helped you even a little bit, please like it, I'm glad, and you get a plus in karma, and the pluses work!! Be young, healthy and beautiful!!

Posted on Sep 17, 2023
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Auto-translated from Korean
Posted on May 4, 2024